Sports 3 Survey

About the Survey

This is the first survey created by Sports 3 to establish quantitative data that will provide value to our community. This data will continuously be optimized and enriched by the experiences, surveys, and results from our clients. Utilizing AI and Predictive Learning, we are dedicated to offering services that truly add value and establish best practices for our community, ensuring the best opportunities for landing their dream job

Step 1 of 13

Personal Information


The questions in this Survey are now structured to be answered on a 1 to 5 scale, providing quantitative data for analysis. Thanks for participating in our Survey. If you have questions please contact us.

About Sports 3

Sports 3 is a leading sports agency dedicated to career development, ownership, and personal branding. We offer a wide range of specialized services to help sports professionals, coaches, and players prepare for their careers during and after their time in the game.

Our services are designed to help our clients manage their finances, build their personal brands, and enhance their overall success in the competitive world of sports.

About the Survey

This is the first survey created by Sports 3 to establish quantitative data that will provide value to our community. This data will continuously be optimized and enriched by the experiences, surveys, and results from our clients. Utilizing AI and Predictive Learning, we are dedicated to offering services that truly add value and establish best practices for our community, ensuring the best opportunities for landing their dream jobs.

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